Mark the date in your calendar! This years' show will be happening on 31/08/2021!

Mark the date in your calendar! This years' show will be happening on 31/08/2021!


Club Stands

This year, we have the space to accommodate 1,000+ cars in our club stands area, meaning we can accommodate for a lot more club stands, and hopefully some new faces travelling from all over the UK that have never attended before. With this, we have also lifted the limit on the amount of spaces we can allocate each club.

For those attending with a club, be sure to book your tickets ASAP, as once we run out of display tickets there will be no more released!

🏆  Club Of The Show – We’ll be looking out for the best club stand at the show – Whilst judging this we won’t only be looking at cars, but organisation and variation within the club.

🏆  Best Variation – The club with the broadest range of unique cars within the club stand.

Clubs currently registered for 2021 are:


Outkast Panda Crew

DopeGFX Reps

Mixed Modified



Lincs Allsorts

K.A.N.S Racing

Grimsby Custom Cars


Register Your Club

Once registered, we will send you your club code via email. Your members should use this code to join your club stand when purchasing tickets. Note: Display tickets are limited and available online only, so it’s recommended to book ASAP to avoid missing out.